Senen Sore di Tjikini

"Senen Sore di Tjikini" was a wonderful intimate gig that I ever been. White Shoes and The Couples Company was nice and very low profile. The gig itself is success to entertain more than 150 people that afternoon.  Oh you can read my full writing about this gig here

1 comment


Sene sore di Tjikini....Great

Next: Malam Jum'at di Jeruk purut..hehehe

btw, anak UI ya....salam kenallll

Hallo sob, salam kenal yach semuanya. Buat yg punya acara n Butuh HT (handy Talky) Hub: 0857 1580 7000 Telp/SMS, Beres !!!. Thx ^_^